Annular solar eclipse

14. Oktober 2023 in Western United States, Central America, Colombia, Brazil

An annular Solar Eclipse can be seen on Oktober 14, 2023. This will be the second annular eclipse visible from Albuquerque in 11 years, where it crosses the path of the May 2012 eclipse. It can be seen from the Western United States, Central America, Colombia and Brazil.

It is a part of Saros cycle 134, repeating every 18 years, 11 days, containing 71 events. The series started with partial solar eclipse on June 22, 1248. It contains total eclipses from October 9, 1428 through December 24, 1554 and hybrid eclipses from January 3, 1573 through June 27, 1843, and annular eclipses from July 8, 1861 through May 21, 2384. The series ends at member 71 as a partial eclipse on August 6, 2510.

An annular eclipse occurs when the Sun and Moon are exactly in line, but the apparent size of the Moon is smaller than that of the Sun. Hence the Sun appears as a very bright ring, or annulus, surrounding the dark disk of the Moon. (With material from: Wikipedia)

Wo ist das Event?
Western United States, Central America, Colombia, Brazil
Wann ist das Event?
Samstag, 14. Oktober 2023
19:00 Uhr
Seit 331 Tagen vorbei!

Weitere Termine:


Annular solar eclipse - Western United States, Central America, Colombia, Brazil - 14.10.2023 – Copyright © 2024 Kleiner Kalender